Marathon Florida Family Fishing Weekend – Summer 2024
had some great people to fish with last week for a few days. It was a real treat because they were from my old stomping grounds in Kansas! We caught a little bit of everything each day, and they were eating fresh fish their whole vacation!
Emma even regaled me with her rendition of the University of Kansas Rock Chalk, Jayhawk chant! It’s always fun to connect with fellow Jayhawks and share a piece of home while out on the water.
The fishing has been good, and we’ve been making the most of it. We caught a wide variety of Snapper on the reef to ensure they had lots of yummy fish to eat all week. Snappers are prized for their delicate, flaky white flesh, which is considered some of the best-tasting fish in the ocean. Catching your dinner adds an extra layer of satisfaction to the experience. There were a couple of other cool catches on the reef as well, like this pretty blue parrotfish below.

Reef fishing is always a crowd-pleaser, especially with the vibrant coral formations and the diverse marine life that call them home. The Florida Keys are renowned for their healthy reefs, and it’s a privilege to fish in such a bountiful area. The calm, clear waters make for excellent snorkeling and diving as well, giving visitors a chance to appreciate the underwater world up close.
Then we focused on some bigger stuff. We bent the rod a few times on some sunken wrecks to catch some big’ol Amberjacks, which we released. Some Jacks are good eating when they are smaller, but I like to let the big boys go so we can catch them another day. They are also the producers when it comes to spawning, so I prefer to let them go. Many people do not know this, but large Amberjacks are usually covered in worms in the meat, so it is best to keep to the smaller tasty reef fish instead!

Fishing on wrecks is always an adventure. These sunken structures attract a variety of species, making each trip unique. Amberjacks, known for their strength, provide an exciting challenge for anglers. Releasing the larger ones helps maintain the population and ensures that future generations can enjoy the thrill of catching these powerful fish.

The next day we headed offshore and chased down birds, looked for floaters, and weed lines to troll. We got into multiple schools of Mahi, and we all had a blast! Many of the fish were undersized, but we did find some keepers along the way that were added to the pile of fresh fish they caught! You wouldn’t know it that day, but Mahi-mahi, also known as Dolphinfish, are among the fastest-growing fish in the ocean. They can grow up to seven inches in a week and reach up to four feet in just one year! Their rapid growth rate and high reproductive capacity make them resilient to fishing pressures.

Offshore fishing for Mahi-mahi is one of the most exciting experiences in the Florida Keys. These vibrant, acrobatic fish are a favorite among anglers for their fight and beauty. Spotting birds and weed lines often leads to schools of Mahi, making for an action-packed day on the water. Plus, their delicious meat is a bonus for any fishing trip.

So there’s definitely some great fishing left this summer season. While the weather was spottier earlier in the season, it has really been great lately! If you are looking to book a fishing charter in the Florida Keys, look no further! Avoid the touristy Key West charter scene and come see us in Marathon, just a gorgeous one-hour drive away. You can book online right here on my website, or you can call me at (305) 481.4568 or visit my contact page. Until then, tight lines and catch’em up!

Captain Jeff Shelar